Remembering to choose joy
There was a time that I would have been satisfied with being happy, but that was before I started to learn about joy, that fruit which the Spirit of God produces in us as we walk with him and learn to trust him.
There was a time that I would have been satisfied with being happy, but that was before I started to learn about joy, that fruit which the Spirit of God produces in us as we walk with him and learn to trust him.
“Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honour.” (Romans 12:9-10)
Have you ever had a moment when a simple passage of Scripture catches you up short, convicts and compels you to action? This passage has significantly done so for me. I am transported in my thoughts to a moment when I was taught a profound lesson in love and honour by a homeless man.
“‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, And my thoughts than your thoughts.’” (Isaiah 55:8-9)
Christmas is coming! But what about the rest of the year?
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:17)
Forty years ago, I was at the starting line of pastoral ministry. During that season, I attended one of my first pastors’ conferences and I was eager to learn and grow. One of the speakers, who had been in ministry for 40 years, was asked about the key to his longevity. He simply said, “Keep showing up” – and that phrase has stuck with me ever since. At that time, the finish line was the furthest thing from my mind and his advice sounded so simple! I have since learned that there is nothing simple about it. Pastoral ministry is hard work because it is heart work.
Do you ever wonder if you’re really making a difference? Over 40 years ago, my husband and I said yes to God’s call to plant a church, and many times throughout those years we questioned whether our sacrifice was noticed or appreciated. When the “thank-yous” were few and far between, it was easy to feel discouraged. Now, in our work as directors of Kerith Ministry Leaders Retreats in Ontario, we sit with pastors and leaders and hear their stories. We see the weight that many are carrying and the toll it can take. In difficult seasons it is especially tempting to want to give up. If you’re feeling that way in your season of ministry, you’re not alone.
It’s not uncommon to hear someone say, “He’s such a narcissist.” This phrase has become widely used in pop culture especially when we refer to certain politicians, celebrities or public figures. Other times, we say it jokingly when a friend acts self-centred, proud or arrogant. It’s meant to be humorous, but, when you are working with someone who is narcissistic, it’s no laughing matter.
You might not think about it too much, but you probably have some expectations about how your future is going play out. If you are currently physically healthy, you are likely expecting to live to a ripe old age. If you are gainfully employed, you expect to keep your job. If you have children, you expect them to someday marry and give you grandchildren. Maybe you are single and expect to one day be married. These are often part of the natural trajectory of life – but not always.
Being a pastor can be like that. As a counsellor who works with the Clergy Care Network, a part of Focus on the Family Canada’s counselling department, I talk with struggling pastors nearly every day from a variety of denominations across Canada. One of the most common refrains I hear from these pastors is that their experience in their vocation is not lining up with what they expected it to be.
Now, some of these expectations might strike you as being unbelievable, and some of them might be relatable. I have repeatedly heard these, both explicitly and implicitly, from pastors:
“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange is happening to you.” (1 Peter 4:12)
Bad things happen, and they hurt, but the pain can be larger than it needs to be due to the expectations we carry into ministry. What if we could do some preparatory work before trials arrive to ensure we feel what we need to feel when things are hard, but nothing more?
If we can adjust our expectations, let go of toxic and unrealistic perspectives, and take hold of a healthier set that is more reflective of truth – the reality of the world we live in – we may be better prepared to weather whatever storms come our way.
Randy is a Canadian pastor who is familiar with this process. He entered pastoral ministry decades ago following a clear call and with clear expectations, even if he did not know them at the time. He believed that it would get personal in the best way, that any conflicts would be solved maturely and prayerfully with, in his words, a “singular focus on the purpose and function of ministry.” In addition, Randy expected that at various intervals along the way there would be affirmation from the people he served and co-laboured with as an extension of God’s approval.
However, when inevitable conflict arose and the peaceful, united front did not develop, Randy became disappointed and disillusioned. “I was cautious of people,” Randy explains. “Even though they pleasantly greeted me, I believed they were secretly holding a knife behind their backs.”
For Randy, burnout was the result of this constant tension between himself and those he served and worked with – that and the tension between what he was experiencing and what he was expecting. The pain of that gulf was overwhelming. His burnout brought about a depression that he hid from, leading him to cope through unhealthy and sometimes addictive behaviour. He grew in his desire to control his environment, wanting to relieve the anxiety and fear he felt in his position. He became cynical, and on his worst days found himself sinking into bitterness. It was around this time that we began working together.
Here are some of the doubts that arose related to his fitness for ministry:
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)
Part of Randy’s journey of restoration has involved him challenging those expectations he now realizes were unrealistic. This is good and is a vital part of understanding why his struggle was as difficult as it was. Looking back, Randy believes quite strongly that if his expectations of ministry were more reflective of the truth, his response to inevitable adversity would have been tempered.
So, how do we go about working through those expectations ahead of time, or even, if necessary, after the fact? Here are some steps to developing a healthier perspective. They are straightforward in theory, but often difficult in practice.
I’ll give some examples below.
“It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everyone I send it.” (Isaiah 55:11)
To help you with the last step, I’ve gone through the process of reframing the expectations in the first section of this article. I hope these show you some examples of how to create a more balanced set of expectations for your own ministry:
The goal is to identify our expectations, challenge them with a more realistic perspective, and remind ourselves of those expectations whenever necessary. Throughout it all, as Randy suggests, there should be the consistent discipling exercise of “humbly focusing and sincerely committing to a deep, personal, loving relationship with God.”
All of this takes time. Our expectations and pain tend to be drilled deep into our minds, so pulling them out isn’t an easy task. But we must meditate on truth – truth of the Word, and the truth that is a simple representation of the reality in which we live. We renew our minds in this way, and then immerse our hearts in truth. For Randy, this created a healthy “expectancy encouraged by the presence of the Holy Spirit. This expectancy defines a posture of submission to the power of the Holy Spirit to do the things we can’t.”
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
While expectation can set us up for pain, we don’t want to abandon the excitement we may have for what’s coming in this world and the next. While we want to temper our expectations, we certainly don’t want to temper our hope. What’s the difference?
“The crowd that waived palm branches when Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem had expectations of him,” Randy says. “Even the disciples who had spent three years following Jesus had expectations.”
For many, Jesus turned out to be a disappointment because he did not fit the picture of the Messiah they had expected; they wanted someone to liberate them from the Romans, yet he came to liberate them from the weight of sin and death. Their expectation didn’t match their reality, and so dictated their response.
In Randy’s case, this has involved coming to a place of acceptance that tension and pain are a part of life – and, by extension, his church ministry: “My expectations had no connection to the reality of what I was about to experience.”
After Randy invested a great deal of time and emotional energy into his own healing, he was able to come to a place of greater understanding – of himself, of the church, and of God, and how it all fits together. When talking about his trials, Randy adds, “How I view these has changed and continues to change. The anchor is accepting that God is so much greater than any combination of these life issues.”
That would be my prayer and hope for you. So please, clarify what you are expecting from your future and current ministry. Is the image you are seeing realistic, based on what you know of yourself, and others and God? Is it realistic based on how the world works? You may need to make some adjustments. But amid those renewed expectations, allow yourself to hope God, the one who is at work in it all, however painful it may often be.
Luke Campbell is a counsellor with Focus on the Family Canada and a lifelong PK.
I spent most of my teen years living on a family ranch in northern British Columbia. We were literally at the end of the road, and our closest neighbors were eight kilometres away. Situated in the foothills of the Rockies, the ranch was surrounded by thousands of acres of Canadian wilderness. Among my favourite memories are the summer Saturdays, when we would saddle up our horses, stow a simple lunch in the saddle bags and ride into unexplored territory for another wilderness adventure. For me, the word “wilderness” revives pleasant memories.
Becoming the Chief Operating Officer (COO) for Focus on the Family Canada was my sixth major transition since entering full-time vocational ministry as an assistant pastor over 30 years ago. Those changes have taught me that every new role involves grieving certain losses while embracing new opportunities. It’s a strange feeling to be simultaneously thrilled with a fresh challenge in a new environment while wrestling with missing family, friends and familiar surroundings. And as I’ve gotten older, change has become even more challenging to adapt to.